Can you believe we have almost blown through summer? Today’s blog has nothing to do with summer, but it is a reminder that in two short months, give or take, we will be seeing all the things about breast health.

What type of woman are you? Do you faithfully do self- breast exams or keep that though in the back of your mind, where the idea collects cobwebs? Do you stay up to date on yearly exams with your favorite provider at Madison Women’s Clinic? Do months, and then years creep by before you remember you need a checkup? Do you finally get around to making that appointment when you feel your first lump?
Whatever statement above best fits your personality, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Life is something else, isn’t it? In a perfect world, we would all attend to the great thought of self-care and follow through like a champ.
Even still, faithful watch over our breast health doesn’t automatically prevent a lump from forming. Without a doubt, early prevention helps if you are diagnosed with breast cancer. So, it’s a great time to recommit ourselves to good breast care.
What do you do if you feel a lump?
First of all, it is never a good idea to panic. Only 8 out of 10 lumps are cancerous, so that’s good news. Benign breast lumps are typically soft, smooth and movable. It’s not uncommon for some women to develop lumps as they enter menopause. This is due to a shift in hormones. Again, these are typically not cancerous. You should never diagnose yourself. Make an appointment to see your provider at Madison Women’s Clinic and attend follow-up imaging appointments. It’s always better to go through the appropriate testing to be sure it is nothing to be concerned about.
What if it is cancer?
First of all, it is never a good idea to panic. Science and medicine has come so far in the treatment of breast cancer, especially when it is caught early. Cancer treatments have changed dramatically. Not all cancers need to be treated with heavy doses of chemotherapy. Some can be treated with a much lower dose, according to Yale Medicine. Treatment can also be targeted to individuals which means a higher rate of recovery.
Often, we hear about the stages of cancer and it sounds scary. Cancer staging is meant to describe how much cancer there is. The more important factor is the type of cancer you have. That’s an important fact to remember.
Breast cancer is one of the most researched cancers out there and everyday, new knowledge is obtained which means better outcomes for you or your loved ones.
So, with October just around the corner, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s recommit to a little breast health care and get back to self exams. A little time now, will save a lot of worry later.