A Magical Time Of Year

Dec 27, 2019 | Uncategorized

Well Christmas is looking farther and smaller from the rear view mirror of life!  The year 2020 is upon us, still so fresh, and looking all brand spanking new!  Did you sufficiently indulge in the most magical time of the year?  Did you get your fill of lotions and candles, chocolate and pretzels dipped in chocolate, caramels dipped in chocolate…you know…all that stuff that dreams are made of?

Have you ever wondered why it’s called the most magical time of year?  I’ve been thinking…it’s a time that all, or most of humanity is transformed!  People are more loving and kind at Christmas and the between time before the new year, energizes us, propels to consider a better life, improving our souls and strengthening our spirit; becoming better at this human being gig.

BUT THEN….Like magic…the motivation vanishes before our very tired eyes and we begin planning for those goals to happen…maybe by summer, next year for sure, or like in 358 days because the magic is fleeting and slips away so fast!

So, how are you approaching this new year… setting all sorts of goals… or are you the type to say, “Nah, who cares?”  and continue being your perfectly, content, dysfunctional soul?

I think we all want to be better, at least in some way or form.  I think we all have room for improvement but it’s not easy to change.  Consistency is hard when life holds nothing but curve balls. 

Maybe instead of lofty, goals that dig deep into extreme changes you aren’t ready to manage, we keep the mindset simple?

  • Strengthen your intuition- pay attention to the words you speak, the food you eat, the way you move through your day.  Be more intentional.  Don’t just fly by the seat of your pants. Make sure everything you do is with purpose and meaning. When we give our life intention and attention, transformation is allowed to take hold.
  • Stop complaining and blaming.  Have you ever noticed that no one ever places blame or complains about the good things that happen?  We only ever cry foul on the bad things life hands us and then we try to find someone or something to blame.  Think about the last greatest thing that happened to you…now try complaining about it!  “I am so irritated that the guy in front of me at McDonald’s paid for my meal without even asking me!!  I can’t believe people today!”  It’s crazy talk!   Many things that appear ‘bad’ come with a valuable lesson that can’t be learned in any other way.  Show some gratitude or at least, hold the complaint.  
  • Do some housecleaning…on social media.  If you follow people who make you feel bad about yourself, or spread negativity like confetti.. unfollow them.  You don’t have to be friends with everyone who makes a request. 
  • Resolve to be a little kinder…to yourself.  Stop comparing.  Stop belittling.  Stop the should have, would have, could haves.  How about just be human.   Some days, we win, some days we don’t.  Move.  Keep trying.  
  • Listen more and talk less.  Allow the people you love and even the strangers you don’t know if you love, the courtesy of owning their own thoughts.  Listen and try to understand their perspective.  Maybe we could all end up being just a little smarter. 
  • Make one healthy choice a day.  Skip the candy bar you tend to grab when you’re hangry.  Bite your tongue when moved to say something rude.  Eat some lettuce.  You know…You’ve got this.

Do you think it’s possible to keep the magic going just a little longer?  Maybe?  It starts with yourself; each of us trying to be a little better will make this crazy world seem just a bit more livable.  
Happy New Year! 

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