Have you heard the term; geriatric pregnancy? No, it doesn’t mean your grandma is expecting. Maybe it’s you your 35 year old friend. A geriatric pregnancy is just that, a woman over age 35 that conceives a child. It’s really not that odd but it is a term that has gained some traction over the past few months.
Geriatric pregnancy, commonly referred to as pregnancy at an advanced maternal age, is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society as more women choose to delay childbearing. Defined as pregnancy occurring in women aged 35 and older, geriatric pregnancy presents unique challenges and considerations compared to pregnancies in younger individuals.
There can be some risks and complications and fertility challenges associated with a pregnancy in the mid 30’s but each woman is different and should be seen as such. Sometimes, depending the existing health of a woman, prenatal care requirements can be different for someone older. It’s not a bad thing either. Older women often have a more stable life/career and finances. They typically have more experience with previous pregnancies. There can be obstacles with societal norms or differences in personal goals, but all these things can be worked through with a helpful and experienced provider like you find at Madison Women’s Clinic.
If you are a woman over 35 and pregnant, here some things to consider visiting with your provider about when you have your first appointment.
- What is your baseline health? Visit with your doctor about any pre-existing conditions that could affect your new pregnancy. What steps can you take to improve those conditions?
- How is your blood pressure? If it’s high, can a change in diet or exercise bring it down?
- What are some genetic concerns, if any? As women age, there can be higher risk for chromosomal abnormalities like Down’s Syndrome.
- Fertility begins to decline as we age, so if you are a woman in her 30’s and is ready to conceive, consult with your doctor and be patient, as conception may take a little longer than anticipated. Don’t get discouraged, there have been so many recent advances in fertility treatments we can access now.
You will find as an older mother, that there may be more frequent monitoring than what would happen for women in their 20’s. This is normal and should not be taken as a sign that something is wrong. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and keep the development of the baby and your health on the optimal track.
It’s a great time to dial in your nutrition and exercise. Regular walking and a healthier diet of unprocessed, fresh fruit, vegetables and appropriate amounts of protein will ensure an easy going pregnancy, despite your age. Older women almost always have successful pregnancies when monitored carefully and closely. Don’t let feelings of guilt or worry plague your thoughts. Consider it a blessing to bring a child into the world, regardless of your previous choices. We can’t always control time, so embrace this season.
As an older woman, you will want to consider a plan for post partum as well, especially if you have other children at home. You may not bounce back the way you did when you were younger and that’s okay. You know what they say, ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ Don’t do it. Don’t compare yourself to what you were like 10 years ago, or how your neighbor down the street was out jogging a week after delivery. We are all on our own timeline of success. Be gentle and kind with your body and give it plenty of rest and nutrition and don’t rush the healing process.
At Madison Women’s Clinic you are in good hands, regardless of your age and obstetric needs. Our providers care for women of all ages in all stages of life. Geriatric pregnancies are not the challenge that the term can make you feel. You’ve got this…We’ve got this as a vital part of your birthing team!