Human Papillomavirus seems to be talked about more today, than it was when it was first discovered in the 1940’s. It is a virus that acts like any other virus in our body. Once it enters our cells, it begins to copy itself and spread out to other cells. More often than not, our own immune system recognizes the invader and puts a stop to things quickly. If our body doesn’t clear the virus, then it progresses to the disease phase.
The disease phase consists of genital warts and is the most common, sexually transmitted disease today. As the infection grows and changes, it can lead to cancer of the cervix. So, it is important to be aware of this virus so you can be mindful of additional screenings and lifestyle changes that can protect you.
There are 40 different types of HPV viruses and they are all transmitted from skin to skin contact. This means it can spread even without intercourse. Only 2 or 3 of the different types are the most commonly found in cervical cancer.
There is a vaccine for HPV but it must be given before the age of 26 in order for it to be effective. It is often recommended to start the vaccine series as early as 11 years old. Like any healthcare decision, it’s important to visit with your provider to weigh out the pros and cons of the vaccine. It can have some unintentional side effects but no one can make the decision for you. The vaccine protects against 9 of the most common strains of the virus. Since the vaccine was first recommended in 2006, there has been a drop in genital warts and cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus of more than 80%.
This is a promising statistic but as a parent, the burden lies with you to do your own research to determine if you should vaccinate your daughter. There are many reasons why some parents choose not to, but that is a decision that only you can make. At Madison Women’s Clinic, our providers are here to help you navigate this issue with your teenage daughters. We can provide the correct information and review all of your worries and concerns.
As parents, we often forget that our teens have gynecological needs until a problem arises. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that a teenage girl has her first exam between the ages of 13 and 15, sooner if problems arise.
At Madison Women’s Clinic, we want you to feel confident in the care we can offer your teenage girls and make sure they are empowered with good health early on. We are there to help you with correct information and assist in decisions that are right for you!