Sleep is definitely a buzz word these days. It’s not just a fad, it is one of the most important things we can do for our physical and mental health. Sleep also does wonders to help in the balancing of hormones. What is just as important as sleep? Rest and rejuvenation.

Rest is far more than just sitting mindlessly while Netflix chills in the background. Rest goes far deeper than that.
What does rest look like?
Rest is being able to say ‘No’ when your plate is more than full. Prioritizing your responsibilities is a healthy way to care for yourself.
Rest is being unproductive
Rest is connecting with nature. Ground yourself in the outdoors and fill your lungs with fresh air.
Rest is being still, breathing deeply, emptying your mind of the complexities of the world.
Rest is finding your safe place, whether this is a location or boundaries for those around you.
Rest is spending time alone.
Rest is time in meditation and body scans. Getting in touch with your body and mind is so important and rejuvenating in ways you can hardly imagine…it sounds woo, woo, but give it a try.
Rest is letting go of the things you can’t control.
Resting doesn’t take an entire afternoon. It can be achieved in small increments of time. You can sneak in any of these restful suggestions in as little as 10 or 15 minutes. Never underestimate the little things we can do for ourselves. In each of those little, fleeting moments, great things happen. Being able to rest will help us get better sleep because we learn to slow our brains at the end of the day.