Thyroid Health

Apr 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

Did you know that a poor functioning thyroid is often a secondary issue?  Not always, but often, our thyroids can become sluggish because of other health factors such as a hormone imbalance, poor gut health, increased stress hormones, the food you eat and even the level of blood sugars.  The thyroid is a sensitive organ in your body and when that isn’t working…you aren’t working! 

If you notice symptoms such as increased fatigue, weight gain without a change in diet, dry skin, breaking hair or hair that is falling’s time to come in and say ‘Hi’.  It’s so important you don’t let these health symptoms drag on and there are many things we can do to get you feeling better, sooner than later.

During routine blood work to check your TSH levels, doctors will also check your cholesterol, anti-thyroid antibodies, and even Vitamin D levels.  Aside from getting some standard blood tests done, and possibly start on a synthetic thyroid hormone, there are other things you can do at home, to ensure your thyroid stays in good health. 

1.  Manage your stress better- We say this all the time but it’s true. Stress is killing us…or at least making us really sick and tired. One helpful way to do this is take some good minerals that help support your adrenals, such as Ashwaganda or Magnesium.

2. As long as you don’t have Hashimotos Disease, a small amount of daily iodine helps.  Sea Kelp is an excellent source of Iodine.   Iodine is a trace mineral so you don’t need a lot…micrograms is all but check with your doctor before starting an iodine supplement.

3. Probiotics- Make sure you go to great lengths to improve the health of your gut.  It may be surprising but your gut health has a direct correlation to your thyroid health.  Probiotics are an excellent way to help your gut.  Another thing to keep in mind, is that as we age, our stomach acid decreases.  This can lead to food intolerance and even allergies.  A natural way to increase stomach acid is Hydrochloric Acid which is found in beets.

4.  Avoid sugars, soy and caffeine if you want to be extra kind to your thyroid.

5.  Practice good sleep hygiene, exercise and keep your diet clean.  This is often the advice for many health issues but that is because it works! 

Not all of these tricks are guaranteed to help your thyroid but every little bit we can do to support our thyroids will make a difference.  As with everything, make sure you check with one of our providers before you start any supplements or self diagnosing. 

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